

Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice supported the resolution proposed by the Constitutional Court of Latvia on restoring the international legal order

On 15th and 16th March, a delegation of the Latvian Constitutional Court participated in the 138th Plenary Session of the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission) and the 21st meeting of the Bureau of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice, in which the resolution proposed by the Latvian Constitutional Court on restoring the international legal […]


Harmonious interaction between the constitutional identities of States and the shared European values furthers protection of the fundamental rights of each European

On 1 March of 2024, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia organized the international conference “The Role of the Constitutional Courts in Concretising the Shared Values Uniting Europe”. The conference was held to honour the 20th anniversary since Latvia became a Member State of the European Union. Values like democracy, the rule of […]


VIDEO: Constitutional Court of Latvia holds an international conference “The Role of the Constitutional Courts in Concretising the Shared Values Uniting Europe”

Today at 10.00, to mark the 20th anniversary of Latvia’s membership in the European Union, the Constitutional Court will hold international conference “The Role of the Constitutional Courts in Concretising the Shared Values Uniting Europe” to initiate discussion among the European national constitutional courts, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European […]


Fourth Tripartite Meeting of the Constitutional Courts of the Baltic States concludes in Riga

On February 29, the fourth trilateral cooperation meeting was held with the participation of judges of the Constitutional Court of Latvia, the Constitutional Court of Lithuania and the Supreme Court of Estonia. In the working sessions, the judges made presentations on procedural guarantees arising from the right to a fair trial, constitutional protection of the national […]


A case has been initiated before the Constitutional Court on the norm which established the compensation to be paid by the electricity user in the event of a breach of electricity accounting

A case has been initiated before the Constitutional Court on the application of the Riga City Court on the conformity of Paragraph 113 of Cabinet Regulation No. 50 of 21 January 2014, Regulations on Electricity Trade and Use, with Article 64 and Article 105 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia and Section 32, […]


The Constitutional Court holds a conference on harmonious interaction between the national, international and European Union law

On 1 March 2024, to mark the 20th anniversary of Latvia’s membership in the European Union, the Constitutional Court will hold international conference “The Role of the Constitutional Courts in Concretising the Shared Values Uniting Europe” to initiate discussion among the European national constitutional courts, the Court of Justice of the European Union and the […]


The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia will provide support for the development of the justice in Ukraine

Today, on 19 February, within the framework of the European Union and the Council of Europe Joint Programme “The Partnership for Good Governance”, the project “Support to development of constitutional justice in Ukraine”, which will last until August 2025, was launched. Judges and employees of the Latvian and Ukrainian Constitutional Courts, as well as representatives […]


Permanent residence permits for citizens of Russia provision ruled compatible with Constitution

The Constitutional Court found that the currently effective version of Section 58 of the Transitional Provisions of the Immigration Law complies with the Constitution. The Court concluded that the contested provision, when viewed systemically in the context of other legal provisions, gives citizens of the Russian Federation a real ability to obtain a new legal […]


Case initiated before the Constitutional Court concerning banning a person from being a forensic expert if a criminal case against the permit was terminated on non-rehabilitating grounds

Following an application by the Senate, a case has been initiated before the Constitutional Court “On the compliance of Section 6(3)(5) of Law on Forensic Experts with Article 101(1) and the first sentence of Article 106 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia”. The contested provision states that a person who previously was charged […]